VisibEL is a tangible map of Sweden modelling the electricity production. There are cities, placeable power plants and factories that can be connected to the power grid. It is an educational game which is based on scenarios. The main users are children between the ages of nine and twelve. By playing this game, children can learn about different types of power plants, how much energy they produce and how much they cost to build and run...
Please visit our website and visit us at the exibition IDXPO at Lindholmen Science Park.

Sunday, 31 January 2010

A link for projects

one more quick thought - Interactive Globe

Y'day night I was dreaming about Globe. :)
So I got some funny idea about making some interesting thing for kids. Can't we make some interactive globe for kids. Like when they touch one country they can see detail of selected country on a screen. This just quick thought. May be we can have more function. Kids can play and learn at the same time...

Friday, 29 January 2010

Quick thought

Interactive "black boards" are seeing their way into schools. Maybe we could find an interesting use for them.

Thursday, 28 January 2010

What are we interested in?

We today worked and finished our Process Proposal. We also discussed what we are interested with the goal to find a more specific question to work with. We ended up with these different things:

* Using an artifact with out help. (Åke)
* Education (Yathika)
* Play (Yathika)
* Challenge (Andreas)
* Complex concept explained to kids (Åke)

This lead me(Andreas) to think back on a discussion with a friend about the general knowledge of people. That in the future, all people should know how a computer works, what components it has etc. The concept of the computer. And that it should be taught to kids at an early age.

This got an discussion going, we ended up with a project idea:
"Teach how a computer works, what components build up the computer and how math is used in it, to kids."

This is one idea, we should not invest to much in to it, but it is something work with.

Invisible Project Schedule

Invisible Project Schedule

Time line



Week 4-5

(25/1 - 05/2)

Iteration - 0

· Planing

· Project process

· Project process presentation

· Identifying user group

Week 6 -7

(08/2 - 19/2)

Iteration – I

(Knowledge building)

· Collecting information

· Reaseach / field studies

· Idendifying problems areas

Week 8-9

(22/2 - 05/3)

Iteration - II


· Idea building

· Testing ideas

· Prototype

Week 10 – 12

(08/3 - 26/3)

Iteration – III


· Prototype.....

· Usability test

Week 13

(29/3 – 02/4)

Easter Holiday

Easter Holiday

Week 14 – 15

(05/4 – 16/4)

Iteration – IV


· Implentation...

· Physical , Hardware, Software

· Usability test

Week 16 – 17

(19/4 – 30/4)

Iteration - V


· Bug fixing

· Usability test

Week 18

(03/5 – 07/5)

Exhibition week

Exhibition week

Week 19 – 20

(10/5- 21/05)


· Debriefing

· Project report

Wednesday, 27 January 2010

process and iterations

We have today discussed our process proposal and the making of a iterative work process for the whole project. We have agreed on three entries on the priority list for the first iteration, these are: relationship with stakeholders, user group and artifact.

Our iterative work model will be split up into five iterations with different themes: Knowledge Building, Ideation, Prototype, Implementation and Evaluation.
Each iteration will have a duration of two weeks.

A iteration will start with a kick-off meeting on the first Monday, where the priority list will be constructed, the near future is planed, work and responsibilities are divided on the group.

Intermediate meeting on the second Monday of the iteration. Where the progress is discussed and the last week of the iteration is planed.

Evaluation meeting will be done on the last Friday of the two weeks. What have we done, what is our result? On this meeting we will produce an iteration rapport.

Every Thursday will have a work meeting, just to have a certain day you know everyone of the group is gathered just for the project.

Yathika will soon post the schedule for the iterations.